Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well, it's here, our little Izzy B is one year old today and officially no longer a baby.  For some reason the time seems to be speeding up faster and faster with each baby.  I find myself watching the kids playing, and I have to catch my breath because what seemed like mere moments was in fact months.  Izzy has gone from her funny little army crawl to nearly walking, she has gone from an easy going ball of cute in a car seat to an opinionated little girl who wants to explore life.  One moment I was rocking her, stroking her hair, singing her to sleep and the next I can barely get a moment to snuggle before she wriggles out of my lap to go to find her puppy (who she LOVES and NEEDS to sleep with).  The same goes for the boys, I was watching a video we took on Mothers Day last year (three days from delivering Izzy) and I could not believe how much has changed.  I just wish that I had a bionic mind, one that could capture every memory and every smell.  I want to be able to re-live the sweet kisses from DJ, what it feels like when Asher says "Mommy, I lub you" for no particular reason.  I want to hear Izzy's belly laugh that makes everyone else giggle even though we have no idea what could be so funny.  I don't want to freeze time or live in this place forever because I know that where we are heading will be incredible as well.  I just want to be able to re-live these moments with every detail so crystal clear that I can smell their breath on my face, or feel their chubby hands around my neck.  Maybe if I do enough writing and collect enough pictures I can come close...

Izzy has been growing by leaps and bounds lately, tonight at dinner she tried to use a fork and spoon for the first time, insisted that she use them really.  Iz crawls into a room and the second she gets a smile from you she bursts into a giggle fit and falls to the floor, she laughs almost constantly and it is contagious!  Tonight at dinner she was eating some french fries (don't judge) from J's plate and she started dipping them into phantom ketchup mimicking what her brothers were doing, she mimics everything they do.  Iz loves and hugs on all babies, few adults, and she melts the hearts of everyone who catches her eye.  Izabella is amazingly special, and she will do great things with this incredible light that shines from within her, I feel so blessed to be her Mommy.  Happy Birthday My sweet Bubby, I will always remember this year as one of the best of my life  because it was the year that I met you.

I had to add a pic of the boys just because :)

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